Dr. Karl-Thomas Stopp
Attorney at Law and Notary, Tax Consultant

Karl-Thomas Stopp is a notary, attorney at law and tax advisor and mainly focuses on company law, property law and inheritance law; he is a member of the relevant panels in our law firm. Karl-Thomas supports clients in relation to the establishment of companies, to capital, restructuring and other structural measures, M&A projects, shareholders’ meetings, financing, real property developments and property transactions, but also regarding the design of private and business successions. In these areas, he also represents his clients in disputes, for example in actions for contestation, but his main focus is on notarial functions.
His clients include renowned German groups of companies, family businesses and real property developers, mostly in the trade, logistics and hotel sectors.
Karl-Thomas Stopp studied in Bayreuth and thereafter worked as an articled clerk in Speyer and New York. His first position as an attorney at law was in Leipzig. In 2002, he joined MOCK Rechtsanwälte and was appointed notary in 2010. Since 2013, he has been a member of the executive board of the Berlin Chamber of Notaries thus promoting professional policy.
- Konzernrecht, in: Herrler (Hrsg.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, § 10
(Law relating to groups of companies, in: Herrler (publisher), Company law for notaries and design in practice, section 10) - Gesellschaftervereinbarungen, in: Herrler (Hrsg.), Gesellschaftsrecht in der Notar- und Gestaltungspraxis, § 9
(Shareholders’ agreements, in: (Herrler (publisher), Company law for notaries and design in practice, section 9) - Die Überschuldung der Personengesellschaft – Der Insolvenzgrund der Überschuldung und weshalb er für alle Gesellschaften gelten sollte (zugl. Diss. 2019 Universität Potsdam), in: Bork/Stürner (Hrsg.), KTS Schriften zum Insolvenzrecht, Bd. 60
(Over-indebtedness of partnerships – Over-indebtedness as a reason for insolvency and why this should apply to all companies (also diss. 2019 University of Potsdam) in: Bork/Stürmer (publisher), KTS (professional journal on insolvency, trusteeship and arbitration) documents on insolvency law, vol. 60) - Stopp, Karl-Thomas / Ulrich, Dieter, Minderheitenschutz versus Treuepflicht, in: Liber Amicorum für Klaus Mock, August 2009
(Stopp, Karl-Thomas / Ulrich, Dieter, Protection of minorities vs. fiduciary duty, in: Liber amicorum for Klaus Mock, August 2009) - Stopp, Karl-Thomas / Korsten, Mathias / Bieniek, Georg: Gewinne aus Cross-Border-Leasing-Transaktionen dürfen in den allgemeinen Gemeindehaushalt eingestellt werden, in: LKV 2004, 540
(Stopp, Karl-Thomas / Korsten, Mathias / Bieniek, Georg: Profits from cross-border leasing transactions may be contributed to the general municipal budget, in: (professional journal on state and municipal administration) - Unwirksame Begrenzung des Abfindungsanspruches durch Satzungsänderung, in: NZG 2003, 1153
(Ineffective limitation of the right to compensation by change of the articles of association, in: NZG 2003, 1153 (professional journal on company law)) - Wege der Auflösung kommunaler Eigengesellschaften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Umwandlungsgesetzes, in: SäVBl. 1999, 197
(Ways to dissolve municipal companies, taking into consideration in particular the Law Regulating the Transformation of Companies, in: administrative law journal of Saxony 1999, 197)