Michael Oprach
Attorney at Law
Specialised in Building Law and Architects Law

Michael Oprach, a partner with MOCK Rechtsanwälte and a lawyer specialised in building law and architects law, provides advice on all issues related to public and private building law, on project development, architects law, engineer law and corporate property law. In addition to comprehensive out-of-court consultation, he represents his clients in court, arbitration proceedings and in any form of out-of-court settlement proceedings.
The clients he advises and represents include regional, national and international companies and insurance companies, corporate bodies under public law and private individuals.
Michael Oprach studied at the University in Frankfurt am Main and at the German University of Administrative Science in Speyer and took his state examinations in Hesse. He worked in the international law firm Linklaters Oppenhoff & Rädler and has been with MOCK Rechtsanwälte since it was established in 2001. Michael Oprach is member in the most important building law panels such as the working group of lawyers specialised in building law of the Deutscher Anwaltsverein (German bar association, DAV), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V. (German building law association) and the Deutscher Baugerichtstag e.V. (German building law association). In addition, he is a member of the Freunde des Bauhauses e.V. (Friends of Bauhaus) and of the Berliner Freitagsrunde.