Michael Lenke
Attorney at Law
Specialised in Building Law and Architects Law and Mediator

Michael Lenke provides legal advice on public procurement law, building law and corporate property law. He develops process strategies and conducts lawsuits in commercial legal disputes, in particular in complex court proceedings and arbitration proceedings. Together with Michael Oprach, he is responsible for the procedural law section of MOCK Rechtsanwälte.
For many years, Michael Lenke has advised and represented a number of nationally and internationally active planning companies in relation to large infrastructural projects from the public procurement phase to the enforcement of supplements and fees to liability cases with many parties, including insurance recourses. Michael Lenke has specific expertise in the traffic sector, in rail traffic projects and airports, including the financing thereof. In addition, he provided comprehensive consultation on matter of financing and promotion of property, in particular of hotels. He has been active in company law disputes and issues in the property sector for several years.
Michael Lenke has been a lawyer since 1997. Initially, he worked for two large nationwide corporate law firms (Oppenhoff & Rädler – Linklaters, GSK Stockmann), established his own corporate property law firm together with some of his colleagues and has been with MOCK Rechtsanwälte since 2019. He works as an attorney specialised in building law and architects law, but he is also specialised in public procurement law and tax law, and gives lectures to seminars for specialised lawyers and holds regular seminars at architects’ and engineers’ chambers.
- Die Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts – GbR, Handbuch Kulturmanagement, Steiner Verlag, Ausgabe 89/2024
(The partnership under civil law , handbook of cultural management, 2024) - Die HOAI bei der Planung technischer Ausrüstung von Schienenwegen – zugleich ein Überblick über die Prinzipien der “Objektbildung”, Baurecht 2015, S. 754
(The Fee Structure for Architects and Engineers (HOAI) used for the planning of technical equipment of railway lines – at the same time an overview of the principles of object formation, Baurecht (professional journal on building law 2015, p. 754) - Rechtsschutz von Anrainern gegen die Bauauswirkungen von Verkehrsvorhaben, GE, Grundeigentum, 2014, Heft 1
(Legal protection of adjoining owners from the effects of the building of transport projects, GE (professional journal on real property), 2014, vol. 1) - Lenke, Michael / Brox, Georges: Die Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts, Kultur & Recht, Raabe Verlag, 2013
(The public-law society, Culture and Law, Raabe publishing house, 2013) - Die GmbH – Unter Berücksichtigung des MOMIG, der Unternehmenssteuerreform 2008 und der Rechtssprechung seit 2003, Kultur & Recht, Raabe Verlag, 2009
(The limited liability company – Taking into account the German Act to Modernise the Law Governing Private Limited Companies and to Combat Abuses (MOMIG), the corporate tax reform 2008 and the rulings since 2003, Culture & Law, Raabe publishing house 2009) - Urteilsanmerkung zu BGH Urt. v. 20.07.2007 V ZR 85/06, ZOV, Zeitschrift für offene Vermögensfragen, 2007, p. 133
(Case note to the ruling by the German Federal High Court of Justice of 20 July 2007, V ZR 86706, ZOV (professional journal on unresolved property issues), 2007, p. 133) - Lenke, Michael / Liebrecht, Dorle: Unzulässige vertragliche Abwälzung von Aufwendungen des Verfügungsberechtigten auf Käufer bei Verkäufen nach InVorG und bereicherungsrechtliche Rückforderung geleisteter Zahlungen, ZOV, Zeitschrift für offene Vermögensfragen, 2006, S. 9
(Inadmissible contractual shifting of expenses from the person entitled to dispose to the seller in relation to sales in accordance with the German Investment Priority Act (InVorG) and the claim for the return of payments made (enrichment), ZOV (professional journal on unresolved property issues), 2006, p. 9) - Keine AGB-mäßige Abwälzung von Aufwendungen des Verfügungsberechtigten auf den Käufer beim investiven Verkauf nach InVorG, GE, Grundeigentum, 2006, Heft 8
(No shifting of expenses in accordance with General Terms and Conditions from the person entitled to dispose to the seller in relation to investment sales in accordance with the German Investment Priority Act (InVorG) GE (professional journal on real property), 2006, vol. 8) - Lenke, Michael / Brox, Georges: Trennung und Auseinandersetzung von Gesellschaftern unter Berücksichtigung kulturspezifischer Fragen, Kultur & Recht, Raabe Verlag, 2005
(Separation and winding up of partnerships taking into account culture-specific issues, Culture & Law, Raabe publishing house, 2005)