Dr. Sylko Winkler
Attorney at Law and Notary
Specialised in Trade Law and Company Law
Sylko Winkler is an attorney at law, specialised in trade law and company law, and a notary, and his focus is mainly on company law, property law and inheritance law. He is a member of the relevant panels of our joint law firm. In company law cases, he is his clients’ partner at each and every stage of a company’s existence, including without limitation its establishment, acquisition and sale (M&A, private equity), structural measures (including in accordance with the Law Regulating the Transformation of Companies), shareholders’ meetings and assemblies, financing or business succession.
After his training to become a qualified bank clerk and his business administration studies at the Academy of Administration and Business (VWA), Sylko Winkler studied law at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, and between his two state examinations, he worked as an articled clerk in Trier. For his dissertation on legal comparisons in joint stock company law, he studied in San Francisco for six months. In 2006, he began working as a lawyer for the HengelerMueller law firm in Frankfurt/Main and moved to the law firm BMH BRÄUTIGAM & PARTNER in Berlin in 2008. With his appointment as a notary in 2021, he became a partner in our firm.
Between 2013 and 2017, he gave lectures at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences. He is a member of the Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (German-American Association of Lawyers) and of the VGR Gesellschaftsrechtliche Vereinigung (Association of Corporate Lawyers).
- Gesellschafterausschuss und Geschäftsführer-Abberufung in der Zweipersonen-GmbH, GmbHR 2017, S. 334
(Squeeze-out of shareholders and dismissal of managing directors in a limited liabil-ity company with two persons GmbHR (professional journal for managing directors and other officials of limited liability companies) 2017, page 334) - Heilung einer anfänglich nichtigen Abfindungsregelung in der GmbH-Satzung und ihre Rechtsfolgen, GmbHR 2016, S. 519
(Curing of an originally null and void regulation on compensation payments and its legal consequences, GmbHR (professional journal for managing directors and other officials of limited liability companies) 2016, page 519) - Keine Anwendung der Mietpreisbremse bei der erstmaligen Vermietung einer um-fassend sanierten, bislang eigengenutzten Immobilie, ZfIR 2016, S. 121
(No application of the rent control regulation on first-time letting of a comprehensive-ly refurbished property that had been owner-occupied so far, ZflR (professional jour-nal on property law) 2016, page 121) - Befreiung vom Verbot der Mehrfachvertretung bei einem Rechtsgeschäft zwischen Kommanditgesellschaften (BB-Kommentar zum Urteil des KG vom 04.12.2012 – 1 W 150/12; BB 2013, S. 787)
(Exemption from the prohibition of effecting legal transactions between limited part-nerships in the name of the company with oneself as a third-party representative (BB comment on the judgement of the Higher Regional Court (Kammergericht) Berlin of 4 December 2021 – 1 W 150/12, BB (professional journal for management con-sultants) 2013, page 787)) - Sonderzahlungsversprechen der HSH Nordbank an stille Gesellschafter unwirksam (BB-Kommentar zum BGH-Urteil vom 18.09.2012 – II ZR 50/11; BB 2013, S. 211)
(Promise of HSH Nordbank to effect special payments to silent partners ineffective (BB comment on the decision of the German Federal High Court of 18 September 2012 – II ZR 50/11; BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2013, page 211)) - Keine Insolvenzanfechtung wegen inkongruenter Deckung bei Überweisung vom Notaranderkonto auf Anweisung des Insolvenzschuldners (BB 2012, S. 3096)
(No contest of the transactions of the insolvent prior to the opening of insolvency proceedings and in disadvantage to the creditors due to incongruent funds in case of a transfer from the notary’s fiduciary account upon the debtor’s instructions (BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2012, page 3096)) - Geltendmachung des Einwands des Treuepflichtverstoßes von GbR-Gesellschaftern gegenüber einer Neu-GbR (BB-Kommentar zum Urteil des OLG München vom 17.04.2012 – 5 U 3526/11; BB 2012, 2208)
(Raising of an objection based on a violation of a fiduciary duty by partners of a partnership under the Civil Code vis-à-vis a newly established partnership under the Civil Code (BB comment on the judgement of the Higher Regional Court Munich of 17 April 2012 – 5 U 3526/11; BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2012, 2208)) - Anteilige Haftung der einen Einziehungsbeschluss fassenden Gesellschafter (BB-Kommentar zum BGH-Urteil vom 24.01.2012 – II ZR 109/11; BB 2012, S. 666)
(Pro-rata liability of the shareholders passing a resolution on the redemption of shares (BB comment on the decision of the German Federal High Court of Justice of 24 January 2012 – II ZR 109/11; BB (professional journal for management consult-ants) 2012, page 666)) - BGH: Schadenersatzpflicht wegen unterlassener Ad-hoc-Mitteilung, Rechtsboard des Handelsblatts vom 05.01.2012
(German Federal High Court of Justice: Liability to pay damages due to the failure to provide an ad-hoc notice, Legal Board of the Handelsblatt (commercial journal) of 5 January 2012) - Zum Einsichtnahmerecht eines Mitgesellschafters (Entscheidungsbesprechung BB 2012, S. 219) (On a co-shareholder’s right of inspection
(Discussion of a decision, BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2012, page 219)) - BGH weist Schadenersatzklagen von Lehman-Anlegern ab, Rechtsboard des Han-delsblatts vom 05.12.2011
(The German Federal High Court of Justice dismisses actions for damages brought by Lehman investors, Legal Board of the Handelsblatt (commercial journal) of 5 December 2011) - Anteilsabtretung in der Schweiz – MoMiG und Beurkundung durch Schweizer No-tare (gemeinsam mit Jan-Peter Heyer), VentureCapital Magazin 09/2011, S. 30
(Assignment of shares in Switzerland – the Act to Modernise the Law Governing Pri-vate Limited Companies and to Combat Abuses (MoMiG) and notarisation by Swiss notaries (together with Jan-Peter Heyer), VentureCapital magazine 09/2011, page 30) - Bestimmung der Höhe des Abfindungsguthabens für den ausgeschiedenen Gesell-schafter einer GbR durch das Gericht (Entscheidungsbesprechung BB 2011, S. 2130)
(Calculation by the court of the amount of compensation for a leaving partner of a partnership under the Civil Code (Discussion of a decision, BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2011, page 2130)) - Fälligkeit des Entschädigungsanspruchs aus dem EAEG („Phoenix“) (Entschei-dungsbesprechung BB 2011, S. 2433)
(Due date of a claim for compensation based on the German Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Act (EAEG) (“Phoenix”) (Discussion of a decision, BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2011, page 2433)) - Keine Stimmrechtszurechnung zum Treuhänder nach § 22 WpHG: Meldepflichten werden wieder durch eindeutig formulierte gesetzliche Tatbestände bestimmt (BB-Kommentar BB 2011, S. 2576)
(No allocation of voting rights to the trustee in accordance with section 22 of the Securities Trading Act (WpHG): reporting obligations are now again subject to clearly formulated legal facts (BB comment, BB (professional journal for management con-sultants) 2011, page 2576)) - Thüringer OLG: Zum Erwerb eines Kommanditanteils durch einen Komplementär (Entscheidungsbesprechung BB 2011, S. 2900)
(Higher Regional Court Thuringia: On the acquisition of a limited partnership share by a general partner (Discussion of a decision, BB (professional journal for man-agement consultants) 2011, page 2900)) - Zur Rechtsmissbräuchlichkeit der eigenen Abberufung des Allein-Geschäftsführers (Entscheidungsbesprechung BB 2011, S. 1106)
(On the abuse of a legal right if a sole managing director dismisses himself/herself (Discussion of a decision, BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2011, page 1106)) - Berufsrecht: Verschwiegenheitspflicht versus datenschutzrechtliches Auskunftsver-langen, BB 2011, Seite VI
(Professional regulations: Duty to observe secrecy versus request for information based on data protection regulations, BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2011, page VI) - Kein Anspruch auf Scheingewinne nach dem Einlagensicherungs- und Entschädigungsgesetz, BB 2011, S. 1
(No right to fictitious profits in accordance with the Act to Modernise the Law Gov-erning Private Limited Companies and to Combat Abuses, BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2011, page 1) - Berufsrecht: Berufshaftpflichtversicherung – Führung eines Anderkontos als an-waltliche Tätigkeit, BB 2009, S. M5
(Professional regulations: Professional liability insurance – management of an es-crow account as an act of a professional lawyer, BB (professional journal for man-agement consultants) 2009, page M5) - Anwendung der Regeln über die Insolvenzverschleppungshaftung auf Ges-chäftsführer von Gesellschaften anderer EU-Mitgliedsstaaten, BB 2009, S. 2617
(Application of the rules on the liability for delay in filing a petition in insolvency to managing directors of companies in other EU member states, BB (professional jour-nal for management consultants) 2009, page 2617) - Vertretenmüssen einer Pflichtverletzung wegen Geltendmachung unberechtigter Ansprüche, BB 2009, S. 1154
(Liability for the consequences of a breach of duty based on the assertion of unjus-tified claims, BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2009, page 1154) - Beendigung der Verjährungshemmung durch Einschlafenlassen der Verhandlung, BB 2009, S. 410
(Termination of the suspension of the statute of limitation by failing to continue the proceedings, BB (professional journal for management consultants) 2009, page 410) - Neues zum acting in concert – Folgen des Risikobegrenzungsgesetzes (gemeinsam mit Jan-Peter Heyer), VentureCapital Magazin 1/2009, S. 42
(New information on “acting in concert” – Consequences of the Act on the Limitation of Risks (together with Jan-Peter Heyer), VentureCapital magazine 1/2009, page 42) - Folgen des Rücktritts bei belastetem Grundstück, BB 2008, S. 2711
(Consequences of resignation in case of mortgaged property, BB (professional jour-nal for management consultants) 2008, page 2711) - Die Verantwortung institutioneller Anleger als Aktionäre in Publikumsgesellschaften in Deutschland und den USA (zugl. Diss. 2007, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena), in: JWV Jenaer Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft (Hrsg.), Jenaer Studien zum deutschen, europäischen und unternationalen Wirtschaftsrecht
(The responsibility of institutional investors as shareholders in limited partnership with many members of the public as limited partners in Germany and in the USA (at the same time diss. 2007 Friedrich Schiller University in Jena), in: JWV Jenaer Wis-senschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft (publisher), Jena studies on the German, Euro-pean and international commercial law)